Since 1993, we have been not only the "FIRST" but the "ONLY" exclusive grout removal specialist in California.

In addition, Michael Taylor invented the tool he uses to work on your tile.
This is the only patented Grout Removal tool in the World!

Now recognized by Pasadena Heritage, an organization who works to identify, preserve, and protect the historic, architectural, and cultural resources of the City of Pasadena through advocacy and education. Pasadena Heritage recommends Regrout as experts in the preservation of vintage tile.

Pasadena Referral page

Pasadena Heritage Home Page

Also recognized by the Glendale Historical Society. Their mission is to celebrate and preserve Glendale's history and architectural heritage. For further information about the society Click Here

The Glendale Historical Society recommends Regrout as the contact for the preservation of your vintage tile.

Glendale Referral page

No matter the condition your old grout; stained, missing, mildewed, etched, unattractive color, unsanitary, or plain embarrassing. As long as the tile is in good condition, you only need to remove the grout. Remember,


Replace your grout, NOT your tile!

How we do it

Regrout has designed, developed, and patented the tool that enables us to remove grout from 1/64" to 1/8" without scratching or chipping your tile, dust free, GUARANTEED! Regrouting has never been safer for your one-of-a-kind vintage/historic tile!


Regroutâ„¢ 2019
Redesign By Jerry Nelson